Description: This group layers contains the City of Eureka Stormwater Resource Plan (SWRP) layers. See descriptions of layers within this group for more information
Description: Roadway segments within 1000 feet of the eureka stormwater resources plan project watershed were considered. Only suitable roadway segments remained in the dataset to be ranked. Roadway segments were digitized into polygons using the Humboldt County parcel layer and buffered roadway centerlines of designated widths based on functional use. Segments have not retained roadway names.
Service Item Id: 03b63bc61afc400b99f8abb1f6aeb951
Copyright Text: Humboldt County GIS; GHD, Inc. (Eureka, California Office (707)-443-8326 Julia Clark or Amber Shows)
Description: Parcels within 1000 feet of the eureka stormwater resources plan project watershed were considered. Only suitable parcels remained in the dataset to be ranked.
Service Item Id: 03b63bc61afc400b99f8abb1f6aeb951
Copyright Text: Humboldt County GIS; GHD, Inc. (Eureka, California Office (707)-443-8326 Julia Clark or Amber Shows)